Victim of the 2010 Togo bus attack pleading for help

Ex-international Nibombe Wake says he still needs help with the injuries he suffered as Togo's team bus was attacked in Angola in 2010.

Victim of the 2010 Togo bus attack pleading for help

Ex-international Nibombe Wake says he still needs help with the injuries he suffered as Togo's team bus was attacked in Angola in 2010.

Coronavirus: How does a Covid-19 pandemic come to an end?

The pandemic officially started when the WHO declared it in March 2020 but how will it end?

Banned protesters send #ZimbabweanLivesMatter viral

The social media campaign tapping into the anger of the global #BlackLivesMatter phenomenon.

Cameroon attack: ‘It will mark my spirit for the rest of my life’

The killing of 22 people, including many children, inspired artist Kobe Williams to use sand for art.

Coronavirus: Bringing Covid-19 news to Senegal’s deaf community

Student Naomie Koffie's summaries of the news in sign language have won praise from the president.

Letter from Africa: How African generosity dried a crying teacher’s tears

Strangers helped a Nigerian teacher, left without money because of coronavirus, get back on his feet.

Letter from Africa: How African generosity dried a crying teacher’s tears

Strangers helped a Nigerian teacher, left without money because of coronavirus, get back on his feet.

UN pledges to help Mali rebuild heritage sites damaged in conflict

Parts of the life and culture of the country's Land of the Dogon have been destroyed in conflict.

Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa vows to ‘flush out’ opponents

Emmerson Mnangagwa accuses the opposition of trying to destabilise the country.